we always think to highlight some important information in the WhatsApp chat, But we don't know that how to send highlight messages in whatsapp. so in this tutorial we will going to discuss on the same.

why highlight a message

first we should discuss that why we want to Bold a message?
when we start a chat on WhatsApp sometimes we have to write long messages and between these messages we want to highlight a particular information but don't know how? so lets see:)

whatsapp messenger give a feature to bold or italic a message to show the important line or phara.

Bold messages

Open the chat window and start the typing your message as normally you always do.
Type your message which you don't want to bold, when you want to bold a message just write * before the message and again write * in the end of the message.
for example:
if you want to bold Belouds, Then
*Belouds* can bold the Belouds 
bold message in whatsapp

Italic messages

Open the chat window and start the typing your message as normally you always do.
Type your message which you don't want to italic, when you want to italic a message just write _ before the message and again write _ in the end of the message.
for example:
if you want to bold Belouds, Then
_Belouds_ do
 italic the Belouds

italic messages in whatsapp

Bold and italic messages

Just use *_ before the message and _* after the message
for example
*_Belouds_* do
bold and italic the Belouds

italic and bold message in whatsapp

hope you gyes enjoy this tutorial and learn these new things in whatsapp:)